Bell Launches 360Degree Camera Helmet

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bell star 360fly camera helmet
Bell has partnered with 360fly to make a new motorcycle helmet with a 360-degree camera view. The Bell Star, the top of the line road helmet, and the Moto 9 Flex off road helmet will be getting the 360-degree treatment. The camera has 360 panoramic and conventional video modes, and shoots in 4k resolution. The 4K camera is also promised to have built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features, all the better to share your sweet videos bro. A GPS feature is also supposedly going to be included. Auto Action (video) Tracking, Collision Avoidance Alert and Live Streaming modes are promised features, which may or may not be available at launch time.

This makes one of the first actual launches of a “smart helmet” that’s not based on smoke, mirrors, and vaporware like the Skully helmet. Bell has the resources and ability to pull this off, no question. I recently picked up a Bell RS-1 on sale from MotoLiberty, and have been well pleased with their mid-range helmet.  The RS-1 is a level below the Bell Star that will be integrated with the new camera system.

360fly bell star helmet


Who It’s For

The Bell Star is not a cheap helmet, starting at about $400 on up, depending on sourcing. Add a several hundred dollar camera on top of it, and you’re near a grand. Not exactly chump change. I imagine the initial market for these will be for track-day riders to record lap videos, or squid-brah stunters recording their usual shenanigans. With a battery life of two hours, this limits the usability a bit compared to a GoPro. This new system may be a good move for police motor pools also, to more fully record interactions.

Should I Buy One?

The true game changer is the Collision Avoidance System. If it works as advertised, lots of commuters and regular riders could be swayed to snag the system, once the price comes down a bit. Far too many bikers get hit from behind when that can be easily avoided. This system gives riders another tool in the tool belt for riding safely.

We know Bell makes great helmets, and have for decades. I’d personally wait until some more actually road reviews come in before buying one. This is a great step forward, but still unproven in many users hands. Once the price comes down a bit, and a second gen comes out, I’ll be looking into one of these myself.

What do you think? Are you ready for a “smart helmet” that may help you from getting rear-ended?

Jason Channell is HD Forum's most Texan contributor. He likes long rides in search of Texas brisket, playing Led Zeppelin at absurd volumes, and creating graphs that go up.