STRAIGHT UP San Jose Harley-Davidson Stunt Team Makes Some Waves

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HD Video

Watching riders perform amazing stunts aboard Harley-Davidson motorcycles never really gets old. Whether it’s an amateur, a local show, or hardcore professionals, it is always an enjoyable sight. Of course, it does seem to be a lot more interesting when you have experienced riders, new and interesting stunts (beyond donuts and wheelies), and amazing filmography. Today’s video has all that, and maybe even more!

Straight Up is, as they describe themselves, “a crew of dedicated motorcycle riders with a passion for burning rubber and hanging tough at 12:00.” Residing in San Jose, this motorcycle crew seems to make quite a few waves in town. Today’s clip is a trailer for their 30 minute movie about their team and the stunts they do, and we have to say that it does peak our interest. Throughout the two minute long preview we see bird’s-eye-view donuts, wheelies that bust out taillights, and plenty of police interventions. What could be more exciting?

Check out the video below and see the Straight Up crew have some fun!