Chris Evans Promises More Motorcycles on TopGear

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After years and years of making fun of riders, and of motorcycles, and generally taking the piss out of anyone that owns up to riding bikes on the show, the Goliath TV show that is the BBC’s TopGear will no longer be the bastion of hatred to us two wheel riders.

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As many of you already know, Clarkson, Hammond, and May have all left the most watched TV show on the planet due to a “fracas” caused by Clarkson a few months ago where he punched a producer.

Throughout that time, the BBC has been looking to fill the vacancies of the trio’s departure and yesterday, the company announced that Chris Evans, a Radio DJ and car collector would be taking over as the ring leader of the Top Gear circus.

According to Evans who Tweeted about the move, “There will be more motorbikes on the new TopGear. Do you think we should go to the TT?”

That in itself is a step in the right direction, and I personally can’t wait to see more motorcycles being driven on one of the best shows on TV. What do you all think, are you excited to see more motorcycles represented on TV?

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