Spotlight on Lady Riders: Cat One Legged Blonde

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This is Lady Rider who epitomizes that HD spirit of freedom. Freedom to express yourself, freedom to help others, freedom to be whatever you want to be in life. This is the kind of person who does that.

“When death throws you back.”

Cat’s famous words when she opens up to speak. It was May 20, 2006 by medical opinion Cat should be dead. A motorcycle crash resulted in skull fractures, TBI, broken bones, collapsed lung and amputation of her leg. She shares not riding again was never an option.  While on medical leave as an ICU RN she was terminated, 6 months later divorced, 6 months after that lost her house and suburban lifestyle gone in a flash. She was left with a crashed Harley, a broken mind, body & spirit. It was in that cavern that she was being forged. She shares a decision that changed her; “I could stay angry the rest of my life or pick myself up & the only way I knew how was to ride that Fatboy again.”  As she spent time rehabbing she met veterans that dealt with far more losses. As friends rebuilt her Harley, her mind, body & soul began to mend. It was in the saddle that her healing began to manifest in her actions. As she speaks to others, “If God himself came down and said, I will give it all back” She shares, “Thank you but no. I have found life.” and as the meaning of her new life and the journey continue to reveal themselves to both her and others. It is an inspiration to the broken as she pulls into VA centers and veterans says, “If that little girl can ride that, I will walk again!” So as she is Riding Above The Tombstone inspiring others, so Cat the One Legged Blonde shares, “I might have lost my leg but I have gained my Life!”
