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the metal 04-07-2008 11:23 AM

got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
i'm installing an entirely new front end on my scoot and hit a bit of a roadblock on the wiring, i could call a bro or 2 but my shithead old man is a retired EE and rides a roadstar so i figured WTF, i'll give the ole father & son working on a project together a whirl.

so i call and he agrees to come over, takes a quick glance at it all and says what's the big deal, just hook it all up.

here we go.

i just say take a closer look and tell me how to wire this & that.

he looks at the schematic and i can tell he then starts to see why it's unclear. nevertheless, he says hook this to that, that to this, etc etc.
he comes inside here and plays solitaire on the computer while i hook it all up.

i do- same problem as before.

so i just drop it for a bit and work on another part of the install to clear my thoughts so as to approach it another way.

pops comes out to the garage and sees me doing something else and FREAKS OUT.

he goes off, says let me tell you what my ****ing bitch is with your project, mother ****er, you ask me to help you and i go outta my way, then i come out here to see how it's going after 30 minutes and you are working on another part of it all **** you.

he says he will talk to me when i get some ****ing brains!

i said yeah, well how the **** you gonna know when that is if you ain't talking to me till then DUMBASS!?

that's when he got REALLY pissed, turn beet red and started shaking, walked to his car and sped off.

that was yesterday afternoon.

Puggy 04-07-2008 11:26 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
Sounds kinda like me and my old man. He likes to "jerry rig" stuff and I can't stand that. Then when you take the extra minute or two to do it right, he questions everything. We don't work on projects any more together. One of us'll die...........

DannyZ71 04-07-2008 11:29 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
Wow. I guess it would be a bad idea to ask you about your childhood.

the metal 04-07-2008 11:39 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley


Wow. I guess it would be a bad idea to ask you about your childhood.
agreed! you wouldn't want to get inside my head.

it's skeery!!1

AK47 04-07-2008 11:43 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
Sounds like you have some respect issues.

kbflash44 04-07-2008 11:52 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
Is your name Paul Jr.?

Unome 04-07-2008 11:52 AM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley

Sounds like you have some respect issues.
I don't see it like that. Are you talking thedad doesn't respect the son of the other way around?

1. He asksthe dad over to help him with some electrical issue.(respects dad's knowledge & experience)
2. Dad gives a generic response.(Doesn't respect son enough to give a detailed response)
3. When explained that he doesn't completely understand and would dad give advice, dad looks over schematics which appear to be confusing to him(and him being anEE).
4. Dad gives advice and walks out of garage to go play on computer instead of trying to help hook it up based on his advice.
5. Guy gives dad's advice a shot and still has problem. Tinkers some more and finally decides to take a break from the problem and work on something else. We've all done that, right?
6. Dad comes out, sees him working on something else and instead of checking to see if 1st problem was fixed(from post), starts to rail on the guy for working on something else.

I think dad was in the wrong from the start.

AK47 04-07-2008 12:01 PM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley


Sounds like you have some respect issues.
I don't see it like that. Are you talking thedad doesn't respect the son of the other way around?

1. He asksthe dad over to help him with some electrical issue.(respects dad's knowledge & experience)
2. Dad gives a generic response.(Doesn't respect son enough to give a detailed response)
3. When explained that he doesn't completely understand and would dad give advice, dad looks over schematics which appear to be confusing to him(and him being anEE).
4. Dad gives advice and walks out of garage to go play on computer instead of trying to help hook it up based on his advice.
5. Guy gives dad's advice a shot and still has problem. Tinkers some more and finally decides to take a break from the problem and work on something else. We've all done that, right?
6. Dad comes out, sees him working on something else and instead of checking to see if 1st problem was fixed(from post), starts to rail on the guy for working on something else.

I think dad was in the wrong from the start.

Wellif that you put it that way.;)

OldFenderGuy 04-07-2008 12:29 PM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
Nothing like putting your 'dirty laundry' out in cyberspace for the world to see...

I don't know you, sodon't take itpersonal, but it amazes me how many people think nothing about throwing out what I would consider "personal business" on the net for 60,000+ people to view.

Maybe I'm different than most, but I don't believe in releasing family, business, or personal information except on a 'need to know' basis.


Kolni 04-07-2008 12:34 PM

RE: got in a fight with my pops wrenching on my harley
He's gonna die someday and then what are you gonna do?

Trust me, the last words you have with your father you do NOT want to be an argument...it will haunt you for years.

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