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DaveNBPT 04-02-2016 03:44 PM

Luggage/Baggage Weight
How much added weight do you guys have when traveling for say, 7-10 days? This is my 4th cross country trip and I'd like to think I have things refined in terms of luggage, but I'm not so sure. I'm all packed up and after all that's said and done, I'm probably carrying 75-80 lbs. The weight is evenly distributed in left/right bags with the lightest stuff in the tourpack. I've always had the best intentions to camp, but have not, thus far. I HOPE to this time, so I'm carrying a sleeping bag, tent and thermarest(no other camping stuff). I do use the Saddlmen backseat bag which weighs a bit in and of itself. I'm curious to hear how much weight you guys carry during similar trips?


Michael Psycle 04-02-2016 04:39 PM

The weight should not be an issue provided you have everything properly secured and keep the heavy stuff low if possible. Remember, you can easily carry a 250 lb passenger on back and you would have a lot more weight and it would be higher on the bike then any of your luggage.

I probably carry about a max of 50-60 lbs between all my bags for long rides.

Ridewva 04-02-2016 05:46 PM

When I traveling with camping gear I'm probably carrying about 75#. Without camping gear (tent, mattress, sleeping bag, Kermit chair, lantern, etc) less than 50 pounds.

BigDogIdaho 04-02-2016 06:08 PM


This was split between 2 bikes. I would guess less than 50 # each though.

I'm pretty sure it was a lot lighter than 50 come to think about it. I could handle carrying all my gear at once.

SilverEagle50 04-02-2016 08:35 PM

Last July we went on a 10 day trip through New Mexico and Colorado. I was 2up and loaded pretty good. I use that largest luggage bag from Harley. I weighed it after packing it. It weighed about 48# best i recall. Then I added that overnight bag (the biggest of the rounded looking bags they have) from Harley on top of that. Not sure what it weighed, but would guess 15#. then had both saddlebags loaded with all that would fit. I weight 240 and the wife is about 130ish. I don't really notice the difference loaded like that or with not much at all. I would guess thats a total of somewhere around 500#s of weight on the bike.

DaveNBPT 04-04-2016 05:07 AM

Thanks for the responses. Guess I'm good to go. I've packed/unpacked don't seem to over packed. Thanks again!

mo cajun 04-04-2016 06:28 AM

I over pack on every trip I take and the bike has no room with all the bags on it and never a issue.
Keep saying on my next trip going to pack lite and just wash clothes at the hotel

CarrollB 04-07-2016 04:41 PM

Longest trip to date is 8 days but now that I'm retired that will change. I like clean socks and a clean T shirt every day if possible. Last trip I took 2 pair of jeans in case one gets wet before I can get on the rain gear. One saddle bag is full of rain gear, tools, and a bike cover. Other saddle bag is clothes weighing about 10 pounds. Have a bag I strap to the luggage rack on the top of the tour pack that loaded with clothes weighs about 20-25 pounds. Try to keep the tour pack no more than half full in case I want to buy something, and I carry my SLR in there, along with a small first aid kit, gloves, etc.

bigdumbnoitall00 04-08-2016 07:13 PM

I've gone WAY over gvwr it will handle fine until u go over. then the front end starts getting light and wheelies are the result.

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