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DR. V-TWIN 11-07-2010 09:06 PM

Metzeler tire review...275 miles today
I took the bike on a nice long twisty ride. I am not sure if it is because the tires are brand new or if the Metzelers have a different shape the the Avon's, but I really dig these tires.

As when I had Metzelers before, the bike just falls into corners without any thought, much more so than before I changed the tires. They are nice and stick too. And...they do not have any tread that catches on the grooves in the freeway which is another major plus.

I am quite disappointed in the fact that there is a defect on my rear whitewall. I had the tires mounted with the blue stuff on the tires still, and when I cleaned it off I found the defect. Well, in order to dispute the tire with Drag specialties I would have to take the tire back off the bike and send it to them. That is not going to happen. So I contacted Metzeler directly on Saturday via email. I will call them tomorrow and see what they can do for me as these are not inexpensive tires and I should not have to pay for a defective tire.

I am hoping I can get a free tire out of this, as if not my faith in this company will be thoroughly shaken. We'll see what happens.

I think their rear tire may be a bit taller than my last tire as well as I did not scrape anything today in all the twisties. U sually I scrape at the very least my floorboards several times.

It could also be that I just finally learned how to keep the Shotgun Shock at maximum height on twisty roads. I am not really sure, but I had a great time.

Last but not least, leather jacket weather is here as I froze my ass off today in my t shirt, long sleeved thermal, flannel and vest. And the summer gloves have to be put away too.

Next week the leather jacket and winter gloves are a must.

Here is a map of the ride...


editbrain 11-07-2010 09:37 PM

Doc, I rode ME 880s all through my Yamaha days. I love those tires, and you're right. they are taller, and they do stick and fall in corners.
I am having a hard debate right now about if I should go with the Mich Scorchers again, or go with the 880s for the FXDB. I like the Scorchers. They still have good tread @ 9000 miles. The Metz are about $85 more I think for the set.
Man, I love the 880s. I don't know what to do... You're post is not helping the the move to stay with the Scorchers though. :)

Adammit 11-07-2010 09:42 PM

Leather jacket weather in LA? I didnt even know that was possible.

DR. V-TWIN 11-07-2010 09:54 PM

I'd imagine what we call leather jacket weather is t shirt weather to you.


DR. V-TWIN 11-07-2010 11:08 PM

Here is a pic of the defect. What do you guys think?


editbrain 11-07-2010 11:11 PM

Well. It is a defect, but to take the tire off, and send it back, I would just use some white shoe polish. The liquid kind with a foam tip. Should work fine.

DR. V-TWIN 11-07-2010 11:15 PM

I am sure I'll get a free tire out of it. Somehow.

editbrain 11-07-2010 11:24 PM

Maybe so.

tslonige 11-07-2010 11:39 PM

Maybe white out correction fluid, lol. Seriously that sucks on a new tire, but I too am a Metzler fan for life.

DR. V-TWIN 11-07-2010 11:46 PM

The defect is what it is. I am not so concerned about the way it looks, but finding a resolution to the situation so someone else doesn't get screwed as well. I am not putting white shoe polish on a tire that retails for $227.


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