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Beav 09-21-2011 10:19 PM

Confession of STUPIDITY...
Hello all... My name is Beav, and I've done something insanely stupid!!

I've always told my children that they (anybody) can learn from others mistakes, just as well as learning from their triumphs. That is the sole purpose of my self disclosure. I only hope and pray that maybe someone (anyone) will rethink what could happen given the same circumstances.

As I posted last Friday, my wife and I set off from Canton Ga to Highlands NC.
We got a late start, but it didn't seem to matter because we were to be riding the entire region for three days. Left the garage at 5:20 and began our journey. We made our way across to Gainsville then up 441 to Dillard. Even with heavy leathers, we actually got chilled once we began to rise in elevation. Out of Dillard, we took SR106 up into Highlands. The twists and turns heightened my adrenalin even more with the darkness...this was gonna be a spectacular weekend!!!

We arrived into Highlands about 8:45, only to find that all the grocery stores had closed at 7:00. Restaurants we're closing as well, and we hadn't eaten anything since very early in the day. We'd decided that we'd worry about groceries in the morning, but needed to get something to eat. After cruising through town and not seeing anything that appeared to be open, we started down 28 headed toward the cabin only 2-3 miles away. A bar just on the edge of town was open, so we stopped.

Upon entering the establishment, we're delighted to find that they have a limited menu as well. A bottle of wine was ordered to begin celebrating a splended weekend. After warming up a bit, we ordered two appetisers. With the first bottle consumed...we ordered the second. After all...the cabin is only 2 to 3 miles away, right?!?!

Paid the tab, then went out into the crisp dark night. The gps indicated that we were to continue down 28, and make one right turn... the cabin was just down that road on the right.

With the turn made, the cabin was just down the road...

This little mountain road was very narrow, and very twisty...

The grade was very steep, and as I got into a sharp left turn, the back tire began to slide out from under me... I over compensated and there was a violent jolt.

As I came to, I couldn't understand what was wrapped around me. I worked myself free and began calling out to my wife...

The HORROR of no response from her can't be put into words. Two, three more shouts of her name... no response.

As my eyes adjusted, I found her.... lying in the ditch ten yards down from me. I crawled down to her begging her to speak. Finally, a moan!!!! Then she began to cry as she struggled to raise up. I began exclaiming that I was going to jail, and she was going to the hospital.

The red lights began to flash through the trees, a neighbor had heard the wreck, and called the volunteer fire department/rescue team.

Upon their arrival, they began asking/checking for injuries. The wife has blood all over the left side of her face and a cut above her eye. "Take her!!" I exclaimed, "She was knocked unconscious!!" An EMT then took her to the ambulance.

Attention then was directed at the bike. The motorcycle was laying in the bottom of the ditch on it's right side....pointed back up the hill we had just come down. A firefighter informed me that there was a wrecker on the way. I told him that if we could stand the bike upright, I believed that I could get it back out of the ditch. She started right back up, and I eased it back up onto the road.

The same firefighter then began to "coach" my responses.....

"Surly there isn't $200 damage to the bike... do ya think?"

I began thinking.... Is he out of his ever luvin' mind? I mean... it's dark, the shield was torn off of it, the left mirror is gone!!! Who knows how much damage has been done?

"Look dude..." he explains, "if there's not $200 damage, I can (call off) the sherriff that's on his way to make a report."

Again he says... "Surly there isn't $200 damage to the bike....is there?!?!"

"Absolutly not!" was my immidiate reply after realizing he was trying to "help" me. He then radioed that the sherriff need not continue his response.

I got on the bike, started it up, and turned downhill to where I thought the cabin was. The rescue team stopped me, and had me turn around. I had passed the cabin just prior to the missed curve!!!!

After getting the bike up to the cabin, one of the volunteer rescue staff took me to the hospital.

Upon entering the ER, there she lay... cut badly over the left eye, and crying. Glue was requested over stitches... as to reduce scarring if possible. Facial x-rays indicated no broken bones or concussion. We were released shortly thereafter, and took a cab back to the cabin.

As you may immagine, it was not a quiet, restfull night. Lots of crying and asking for forgiveness... battered and bruised, many not showing up for a couple of days.

The next morning, we began accessing our predicament...

She had also suffered a severe impact to her left knee, making it very difficult to walk.

Although I had only a small cut on my nose, I had taken a blow to my lower left rib (flank.)

We've only been in Georgia for a couple of years... who was I going to call? The friends I have from work are all south and west of the airport...Hell, we were in North Carolina. Didn't want to call the buddy who'd offered the cabin...the embarrassment was overpowering. As fate would have it, he called about 15 minutes later to ask if we'd found everything okay. I burst out in tears as I explained what had happened the night before. Without hessitation, he dropped what he was doing and brought a trailer. He was there within 4 hours after our conversation.

Upon his arrival, he said that it was totally up to us... as to what to do. We would return immidiatly, or if we (she) were up to it, he would show us around Highlands for the next day or two. That's what we wound up doing, returning on Monday.

Sunday night was very uncomfortable for me. The ribs on the left were getting progressively worse, and not much sleep was gotten. Upon returning on Monday, it was decided that I needed to go to the ER to get checked out. I'm the proud owner of a kidney stone that had been dislodged during the impact....and still has not passed as of Wednesday. If ya ain't ever had one, they ain't no fun. Last week I overheard a co-worker state that he'd not wish one on Satan himself. Yep....they can be that bad!!! I've been sent home with pain meds...every hour can last "days long" while my body tries to squeeze the stone through to the bladder.

As painfull as it is, it pails in comparison when I look at my beautiful wife...at what pain I have caused her.

I am also overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and offers of help from some of the "Ga Crew" after they'd learned of my accident. We've only "just met" a few of you, and only been on a couple of rides. Paul and Dwayne(Donna) have touched the very core of our hearts. I find it difficult to explain the deepness of our appreciation.

So what have I learned from this incident? More importantly.... maybe, what can you learn from my accident.

You see, when I began riding in June of '10 (yep not that long ago, but I've put 28k miles on the bike), I had a one brew rule while riding.
That progressed into a two brew rule...
Twice in the last month, it progressed into a pitcher after getting off work early on my Friday.

I must now confess that it's only by the grace of God that I'm alive to write this warning to those who will listen. I feel as if I've been "thumped on the ear" and I understand the message completely. Never will I have one drink and get on another motorcycle.

How much worse could it have been?

Should have gone to jail...
Broken bones...
One/both of us killed/paralysed...
How come the bike didn't land on top of either of us?
The list goes on and on...

I'm truely blessed, and I know it.

Folks, I entered that turn at no more than 25 mph...had no idea such damage could be caused at that low of a speed. Had I not been "impaired," there's no question in my mind that this accident wouldn't have happened. For one thing...I'd not been going 25, more like 15. Things are that tight in certain places up and around Highlands. Those mountains bite hard!!

As for me, I'll continue to ride once I've fully healed. I've only ridden in a "cage" five times in the last 4 months. Twice for a funeral, twice to leave the truck at the airport for a trip, and once cuz I don't leave the house on the bike in the rain. The bike is my main transportation... I love the ride that much.

The bike needs a good "going over," but suprizingly nothing major. Bent bracketry...shields trash. Mirrors need replacing (left one never found!) Latches on bags busted. Can't find a single scratch on any of the tins...
Should have her all cleaned up and road worthy in short order.

The wife...
Different story. She was already "skiddish" in corners or riding tight. How long will it take for me to regain her trust? Only time will tell. She has informed me that we'll no longer be takin' the corners quite as quickly, and will always be "sweepin' way back" on group rides. That's fine with me...cuz she's my best friend/lover/soulmate. Nothing, including my love of riding, surpasses my love for her...she's above all.

How blessed I am...

Sorry for the long read, just hope that I touched someone.

What did ya learn from me???

Be blessed and ride safe,


Beav 09-21-2011 10:39 PM

View from driveway of cabin...
Skid marks into impact...
I was wrapped in the silt fence...
Saddlebags were full of dirt...

blueyz0416 09-21-2011 10:41 PM

Ugh, so sorry, wishing speedy recovery for you both. Could have been much worse as you said; so yes, you're right, you're blessed. Yep, touched me; may just rethink my one-beer rule.

soft 02 09-21-2011 10:52 PM

thanks for the read. glad your ok as is the wife.

1plumr1 09-21-2011 10:55 PM

Sorry you had to learn the hard way, but the no drinks on two wheels rule is a good one. Glad you survived, many don't.

1of2 09-22-2011 01:36 AM

Glad to hear you are OK. Things could have been much worse. You won't find a better friend than you did in Paul. He is someone that will always be there for you. Take care while you heal.

PoorBoy 09-22-2011 06:17 AM

You guys dodged a bullet; maybe more like you dodged machine gun fire. Many things obviously could have turned-out much different. I am joyous that you are here talking about it.

I am proud to call you friends, and I think you are taking things to another level by admitting your role in the mishap and by offering first-person advice to all the Crews on the forum.

To add another cliche to the mix- There are those who have dumped their bike and there are those who haven't YET dumped their bikes. You ride long enough and the odds just keep stacking up. You have learned your lesson and you now deeply respect the lifestyle of motorcycle riding.

Adding to the list of life lessons (from others) are stories of encounters with critters, bad weather, darkness, traffic, and road surfaces. All are real-life challenges that lurk around us for the slightest disrespect.

God's speed for the healing of your aches and pains, and I'm sure there are folks here that would be glad to donate elbow-grease to get your ride back to perfect.

Thanks for sharing Beav!

Sammy1200N 09-22-2011 06:25 AM

Glad you are both recovering. We are probably close to you in GA. Although we haven't met yet we are always there to help. Send me a PM if you need anything - hubbie and I are in Fayette County.

monkey sammich 09-22-2011 06:35 AM

Bryan, I'm glad to hear you and Kari are OK, and the bike appears to be easily fixed.

I'm glad to see you learned your lesson, I just hate to see it learned in such a painful way. Some of us simply don't learn without pain. Trust me, I'm one of the slow learners sometimes. I'm certainly not going to berate you.

I was actually going to call you yesterday before we had to leave out and see about getting some lunch with you guys, but I figured you were in the middle of your work week.

DHubbs 09-22-2011 06:55 AM

Great write up bud! You have done us all a big favor with this. A eye opener for sure. Anybody that reads this surely will realize how easily this could have been them. Hope you will not beat yourself up anymore for what has happened. I do the same thing in many situations. We all make mistakes, we know there was only 1 man that didnt. Its what we learn from them is whats important. We hope yall get well very fast. Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do for ya. We love ya'll. Thoughts and prayers are with ya.

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