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Pops 05-23-2012 06:36 PM

Funny Old Lady
So get this....I rode the bike to work yesterday, nice cool morning and the weather chick was saying we would have some afternoon showers. Afternoon showers here could be anything from a mist to snow. Anyhow where I work is about 15 minutes from a small town called Palmer (first town you come to when entering Alaska that has a Mc Donalds and a pooper that doesn't say Home Depot on the side). This is home to many of the colony folks that settled here back when my DooDoo was still fairly soft:D
I needed to get some fuel so in line I sat awaiting my turn. There is this (I will say elderly lady so not to offend any of the wonderful women on this forum) Anyhow she has the eyeball on me but could not see my eyes due to my shades. She is looking at me purty hard and I could tell she had something on her mind! Could it have been because I was listening to Gasoline by Seether or my tight fitting assless chaps, I hope it was the tunes because the age difference led me to believe she could have been my Ma:icon_gunhead:
Here she was finished filling up her F-250 (grandma was rollin the big FORD) and headed my way. Out of respect I turned down the volume and took off my shades but kept the helmet on just in case she was a tough Granny. She says "Aren't you a happy soul" I said yep I just got out of prison! Grannies eyes got wide, not knowing if she was going to faint or take a swing I dropped the kickstand and got ready to make a dive in one direction or another. Grandma pointed her finger in my face and said "what did you do this time" I said I didn't do anything! She says "don't give me that crap, what did you do" I said Lady I just got out because I work there and then showed her my ID..... Grandma reached up, put her arm around my neck MMA style and said I made her day....I asked her if she wanted to go for a ride and get this. She said "No what would the Deacon at my church think" :icon_woot:

We parted ways with a smile from me and a finger wag from her! Life is good and she was cool as hell!

DannyZ71 05-23-2012 06:49 PM

Gotta love little old ladies (when they aren't driving). Wife and I were on a road trip and two came up to us at a convenience store and started talking to us like we were long lost family. Took 20 minutes to get back on the road, but they were happy and grinning ear to ear when I fired up the bike.

Imold 05-23-2012 06:50 PM

Just got out of prison... good one!

Bowhunter61 05-23-2012 07:14 PM

That's a great story!

Iamdent1 05-23-2012 07:45 PM

Ha, great story! The wife and I where sitting in a little outta the way burger joint in Branson, Mo last July, this little frail looking very much older lady shuffles over to our table and starts talking about our bike. Then she kinda giggles and says "You ever been to Sturgis?" we told her no ma'am we haven't and she say's "ha, I have." great lady we had a very nice talk then she wished us good luck and off she went. What a great day.

TASibley 05-23-2012 07:48 PM

Great Story! Love It! LOL

longrideshields-1 05-24-2012 12:24 PM

Lol, yay for cool little old ladies!

sgdiesel 05-24-2012 12:44 PM

If you like British humour check out Harry Enfield, he is a legend. Does some really funny takes on old ladies!


PhoneGuy-MI 05-24-2012 02:18 PM

Cool story, old chicks rock - just ask my wife!

KCFLHRC 05-24-2012 02:31 PM

Great story, we can learn a lot from these old folks. If people would get their faces out of their cell phones and listen to the old folks this country would be much better off.

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