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yzergod 04-02-2014 01:03 PM

Tips for NOT getting oil all over engine?
Been doing my own maintenance forever. Oil/primary/tranny etc. I'm set up to the point where I am now starting to do this for others. In the past, I accepted oil spilling while removing the filter as a part of life. I bought on of these worthless things from HD...
Seems like if I even breath, it moves and allows more oil to spill than if I didn't use the damn thing. I was thinking of putting tin foil under it to keep any oil from getting on the engine when I change the oil for others. But, I'm sure there is some sort of old-school trick out there.

How do you guys keep from getting oil on the motor when pulling off the filter??


JCleary 04-02-2014 01:08 PM

I stuff three or four microfiber rags under the filter. They catch 99% of the oil if I'm quick.

ElectraGlideSteve 04-02-2014 01:09 PM

I form a piece of aluminum foil under the filter up against the engine.

I've also split a 1 liter plastic soda bottle in half, that's basically what you have now with that funnel.

Another option os to hammer a screwdriver into the bottom of the filter and let it drain before removing.

No matter how careful I am, I always manage to drip some oil though.

caberto 04-02-2014 01:13 PM

Alum foil here too, real careful with placing it under the oil filter... but still get some leakage. It's just a terrible design.

sixguns 04-02-2014 01:14 PM

I use the HD Gizzmo, and it works great. Auto parts stores sell a flat rubber that you can form into whatever shape you want, would be a good option to check out.

69cj 04-02-2014 01:27 PM

I just keep well stocked in aerosol brake cleaner when it's on sell. Change the filter and then hit the area with the brake cleaner and a shallow oil pan under the bike. I then hit it with the garden hose. Not that big of a deal every 3,000 miles.

shooter5074 04-02-2014 01:30 PM

Drill a 1/4" hole on the end of the filter near the bottom while using your HD filter drain thingy. That way most of the oil in the filter drains away before you take it off.

BlessedHellride 04-02-2014 01:31 PM

Did that kit not come with a nail? I have a similar kit, not HD, that came with a nail and the instructions said to poke a hole or two in the bottom of the oil filter (outside surface) and let it drain before twisting it off. Have you tried that yet?

RaceFace 04-02-2014 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by shooter5074 (Post 12528728)
Drill a 1/4" hole on the end of the filter near the bottom while using your HD filter drain thingy. That way most of the oil in the filter drains away before you take it off.

Now THAT'S a good idea!! I'm going to try that along with my "wrap a microfiber towel around the filter while unscrewing". Less mess the better! :icon_greedy:

yzergod 04-02-2014 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by BlessedHellride (Post 12528732)
Did that kit not come with a nail? I have a similar kit, not HD, that came with a nail and the instructions said to poke a hole or two in the bottom of the oil filter (outside surface) and let it drain before twisting it off. Have you tried that yet?

No, the HD kit did not come with a nail. Good idea though...

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