Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz

Many of our members are Harley experts, but how much do you really know about the brand?

By Brett Foote - January 28, 2021
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz
Test Your Harley Knowledge With this Nifty Quiz

To the Test

It only takes a leisurely stroll through the HD Forums to realize that our members have more Harley knowledge in their pinky fingers than some books cover in hundreds of pages. So we found his little quiz at Utah's KSL News and Intermountain Harley-Davidson to be quite interesting and worth a couple of minutes, as it promised to put our Harley-Davidson knowledge to the test.

Photos: Harley-Davidson

Origin Story

The first question pertains to how long Harley-Davidson has been in business, and we all know that's a very long time - 118 years to be exact. The second question is somewhat of a soft-baller, however, as it asks what city Harley started out in, and even a casual fan knows the answer to that one.

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

World Market

The third question is quite a bit more difficult. Though it's obvious that the U.S. is Harley's biggest market, with 125,000 bikes sold here last year, which market comes in second with 38,441 motorcycle sales? Don't overthink this one!

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

Getting Tougher

Next up is a simple true or false question - does Harley-Davidson, like many other manufacturers, offer insurance? And once you get past that, we must answer another historic question - why are Harleys often called "hogs?" This one might throw more than one person for a loop, we imagine, because the origin of that term isn't what you think it might be.

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

Law Enforcement Ties

Next up, we have a question pertaining to Harley's long-standing relationship with law enforcement - what year did police begin riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles? Obviously, it was a long time ago, but nailing down the exact year isn't terribly easy to do.

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

Labor Hall of Fame

Finally, this quiz serves us with yet another history true or false question - did the founders of Harley-Davidson get inducted into the Labor Hall of Fame? It's somewhat of an oddball question, but this one might be easy to answer if you think about the manufacturer's history of being one of America's most iconic.

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

Brain Workout

Altogether, this quiz is pretty entertaining and in some cases rather difficult. But if you take the time to fill it out, you can win a $50 gift card, so it's certainly worth the time. And if nothing else, it'll at least give your brain a little workout for the day!

Photos: Harley-Davidson

>>Join the conversation about these Harley facts right here in HDForums.

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