CAGE RAGE Idiot Driver Gets Awesome Smackdown

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Cage rage is a fact. For whatever reason, there are a ton of drivers out there that just hate motorcycle riders. They don’t know you, they don’t want to know you, and they think you’re an idiot for riding around.

They also couldn’t care less about your well being on the road. That’s why riders always have to be vigilant when riding around. Case in point, this cage rage incident that happened last week in Arizona.


According to the news report, and a later update by the rider, the rider was going on the street, and pulled in front of a car legally.

The two came to a stop light when the driver of the car got out and started throwing punches immediately. The rider’s passenger got shoved around, and at that point the rider subdued the driver of the car. All the while as his helmet cam recorded the entire episode.

For being punched in the face a few times, I think the rider handled the situation surprisingly well. I’m not sure if I would have. But just be watchful out there people, we all know that cagers can get crazy – real fast.

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