Friday Funnies – Candy’s Green Spots

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hdforums-outlaw_biker_by_parkleggykorean-d49sqjcSnake’s ol lady Candy, goes to her doctor’s office, afraid of the strange development on the inside of her thighs .. a green spot on the inside of each. Scared to death she has contracted some terrible infection, Candy tells the doc, “The spots won’t wash off, they won’t scrape off, and they seem to be getting worse.”

The doc examines the spots and then assures her he’ll get to the bottom of the problem, and tells her not to worry until the tests come back.

A few days later, Candy’s phone rings and it is the doc on the other end. Scared of what news the doc might have for her, she reluctantly asks the doc if he knows what is causing the spots?

The doctor says, “You’re perfectly healthy–there’s no problem, but I’m wondering, is your boyfriend a Biker?”

Candy replies cautiously, “Why yes, why do you ask?”

and the doc replies……………….”Never mind that, just tell him his earrings aren’t real gold.”