Head Injuries Increase After Michigan Repeals Helmet Law

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This one is going to ruffle a few feathers, but it’s a conversation that we motorcyclists need to have. Back in 2012, Michigan partially repealed their helmet law, and it’s only just now that we are seeing the results.

According to the study,  foregoing a helmet doubled the odds of a fatality and tripled the odds of a head injury. Even with staggering figures like that, helmet use decreased by 24% in crash samples and 27% in trauma samples. This resulted in a 14% increase in head injuries among hospitalized motorcyclists.

There’s no way around it. Those numbers straight-up suck for motorcyclists. It doesn’t matter how safe you ride, how many precautions you take, or how experienced you are. If you ride long enough, things will happen. And if you really love motorcycling, your friends, and your family, you’ll take steps to make sure that no matter what, you can keep doing the things you love with the people you love for a long, long time.


Look, I get it. Motorcycling is all about freedom, breaking the rules, and doing what you want. But there’s nothing liberating about being stuck in a wheelchair, or worse, a casket. Buy a helmet. There’s plenty of bitchin’ ones to choose from that will keep your noggin safe, they’re cheaper than an ambulance ride, and you’ll be shocked at the reduction in wind noise, bugs to the face, and overall fatigue at the end of the day.

A helmet doesn’t guarantee that you’ll make it out of every situation alive. But in a world filled with giant SUVs, distracted drivers on cellphones, oil slicks, leaves, tire treads, and suicidal animals, it gives you a fighting chance.

Way to go, Michigan!

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Photos via: [Motorcyclist

Cam VanDerHorst has been a contributor to Internet Brands' Auto Group sites for over three years, with his byline appearing on Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, JK Forum, and Harley-Davidson Forums, among others. In that time, he's also contributed to Autoweek, The Drive, and Scale Auto Magazine.

He bought his first car at age 14 -- a 1978 Ford Mustang II -- and since then he’s amassed an impressive and diverse collection of cars, trucks, and motorcycles, including a 1996 Ford Mustang SVT Mystic Cobra (#683) and a classic air-cooled Porsche 911.

In addition to writing about cars and wrenching on them in his spare time, he enjoys playing music (drums and ukulele), building model cars, and tending to his chickens.

You can follow Cam, his cars, his bikes, and his chickens at @camvanderhorst on Instagram.