The Cool Rider Project: a Net Connecting Stories, Novels and Music About Bikers

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by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
HDForums Guest Blogger 

Hi HDForums, and a big thank you for hosting me today! I’m writing from small-town Minnesota, where I live with my hubby and two young children.
In addition to running our family motorcycle business, Leader Motorcycle Accessories, I am also an award-winning fictional author and musician. I love digging deep into a character and exploring how things that happen in their life impact and transform them.
I’m also a biker chick – and have been for over twenty years. And the folks at HDForums have invited me to tell you about The Cool Rider Project.
The Cool Rider Project is the “net” that connects stories, novels and music about bikers. It includes real-life photos of women riders as well as my music video, “Cool Rider,” which tells an age-old story, but from the woman’s point of view. (Girl sees guy. Girl wants guy. Girl gets guy. Biker style!) You can check it out below. 
And now I’m sharing free installments of the first novel in the Project, Take Two: a Hollywood Romance with a Twist. It’s about an up-and-coming Hollywood actor who is poisoned on the set.  When he’s forced to recuperate at the home of his Harley-riding Director (and her teenage daughters), he has no idea what he’s in store for!
I invite you to find more information about the book here, and the Take Two installments will be posted to my Blog