Stupid question but how do y'all keep hats on?
RE: Stupid question but how do y'all keep hats on?
I tried the staple gun but the blood kept getting into my eyes and impairing my vision.
I tried the staple gun but the blood kept getting into my eyes and impairing my vision.
Cost a little more, but solve the leaking blood problem.
RE: Stupid question but how do y'all keep hats on?
It has bein scientifieally proven that if you wear a baseball hat it will reduce your brain capacity by 25%, if you wear it backwards it will reduce it by a further 50% . For the love of God, get a life. Carpe Diem
RE: Stupid question but how do y'all keep hats on?
I tried the staple gun but the blood kept getting into my eyes and impairing my vision.
I tried the staple gun but the blood kept getting into my eyes and impairing my vision.