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shimmon 08-05-2009 07:09 AM

They were just having fun by blocking you in from the front, back, and side... I think reaching in your bag to your gun told them you were not in the mood for fun and games with a bunch of rice riding asshats!

jimmers1817 08-05-2009 07:30 AM

I never ride alone, always have at least 8 "friends" by my side. Plus I'm left handed so I can shoot w/hand on the throttle.:icon_smile:

Don't know that I would've confronted that ahole in the convenience store. Had it escalated into a use of force situation you would've likely been portrayed as a crazed gun nut looking for revenge against these innocent young kids just having some fun.

will2002 08-05-2009 08:31 AM

I would have loved to have seen all of that.:)

IronAss 08-05-2009 08:45 AM

I chit myself this morning if that makes you feel any better.

TXCOMMISH 08-05-2009 08:52 AM

WOW! Impressive!

rockDAWG 08-05-2009 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by Coolbreeze (Post 5377360)
Well, riding to work earlier today, I see this bike ahead of me on the highway. Naturally, I speed up to get a look-see. As I get closer, I realize I am looking at a new Indian motorcycle, and other than the brown leather bags with fringe hanging all over the friggin place it was a pretty nice sled. The guy even had on an Indian jacket, and chaps with Indian stitched down the legs. The bike was nice, but the fellow riding it wasnt to bright. First, I pass him in my own lane and him in his. I come up on a group of big rigs, and as I am coming up beside them, this idiot whizzes by me in my lane between me and them. I shook my head and muttered what the hell! As he got past me he swerves over just in front of the rig, not using a turn signal, scaring the hell out of the driver enough to make him hit the brakes, and swerve towards me! To make matters even worse, he hit that big train horn hes got on that truck, unnerving me even more. I slowed way down and moved over to the far right lane and kept a steady speed to let all that go away. I see down the road the guy is swerving over in front of other cars the same as he did the truck like it didnt even faze him. He was riding that thing like one of those rice riders. Now, when I get to work, I start getting the usual "aint motorcycles dangerous", and glad to see that brain bucket empty comments. I get these comments from folks all day today. Started getting on my nerves to be honest. As I am riding home, these 4 clowns on ricers are gaining pace on me. All but one of them pass in their respective lanes and go on by. One of them hangs back, and gets behind me. One of the other 3 slows down and gets in front of me. A few seconds later, another one slows down enough to get beside me. By this time I was reaching in the bag for my gun, not knowing what these shitheads were up to. I guess the guy beside me sees that I have reached into the bag and waves his hand to the other guy behind me to get back rapidly. Well instead of backing off this guy passes between me and the other rocket in my friggin lane like a bat out of hell. The other guy takes off, and I see them take the next exit. I followed because the ass that passed me was fixxin to get a few encouraging words. As soon as they realize I am pulling up behind them they all took off like crazy, roasting the tires like they were a little scared of a poor little Harley. I have about an hour drive home so 30 minutes later I am almost home and stop at a convenience store up above the house. As I round the other side of the store, lo and behold who do I see but none other than the one rider that was cruising along beside of me. Of course he was inside when I pulled up so there was no chance in his escaping this time. I knew it was him from the colors of the bike, and the stupid ass mowhawk thing on his chrome helmet. I leaned up against his bike and waited for him to come out. When he walked out of the store in his power ranger suit, he turned white, and stopped dead in his tracks. I asked him what the hell their problem was, and nervously he answered that they were just having fun and didnt mean no harm. I gave him a few encouraging words, and the last thing he said was "I sure am glad you didnt decide to use that gun you pulled out sir, I actually thought you were going to kill us!" I just told him that him and his buddies should really be careful who they mess with out there. Now I am home sitting on the damn computer whining to you guys and drinking a beer. I am going to bed now and hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day. Cheers to all and have a good night.

I could only read 1/3 of the way and finally gave up.

Please use the "Enter" key occasionally. It will help the readers. :)

remike 08-05-2009 09:08 AM

Paragraphs, please.........

Snarly 08-05-2009 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Coolbreeze (Post 5377360)
Well, riding to work earlier today,

In all my years of riding to work, or anywhere else for that matter, I've never had to go for a gun. I wonder how many of them sport bike riders carry a gun and advertise it.

ciso 08-05-2009 10:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just so you know that all rice riders are not total idiot, a lot yes but not all. I carry on either bike but sorry you had to run into the 2% that gives every bike rider a bad rap. this is my other bike.

TwiggyAZ 08-05-2009 10:14 AM

My alarm didn't go off this morning, so I pulled my .38 out and shot it. I hope I wasn't over reacting.

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