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Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

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Old 09-06-2006, 02:35 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Dont have to flatter myself......
I'm old !.... LOL ....

But the fact is I stop at a busy Gas station near campus everyday to get a drink, and smoke a cig.
Any given visit at least 5-10 sportbikes will be there, or will come and go.
I am approached by girls half my age EVERY day asking questions about the bike.....
Getting pictures of themselves on or in front of it.... asking for rides.....ect....

Not ONCE have I seen them react the same with the Sportbike guys, NOT ONCE !
I dont think alot about it, just take it at face value.

And I hardly think some chick with a death grip on the rear fender as her *** is slipping closer to the moving tire of a bike that is desperatley trying to jump away from her is mocking me......
But I could be wrong !
; )



Old 09-06-2006, 03:08 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Guess You got a point there. Once ya seen a plastic encased sportbike, ya seen em all.

Maybe those girls should view THIS video. Maybe it WOULD entice them to ride wit ya even MORE so!

Old 09-06-2006, 03:31 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Damn that had to hurt! If I was her dad I would have beat him till he never wanted to ride again.
Old 09-06-2006, 03:33 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Ouch! THat has gotta hurt!

While I love watching MotoGP and Superbikes -- I always thought running one of those type of bikes on the streets was foolish.
Old 09-06-2006, 04:42 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Earlier this summer I was heading north on a two lane highway, traffic coming the other way heading south, All of a sudden from out between two pickups comes a young guy on a crotch rocket. Pulls out into my on coming lane, There I am, he whips back into his lane and as we pass each other he pulls back out almost clips my left rear bag. I watched him in my rear view mirror and he must have passed at least six vehicles and also went through a intersection in the wrong lane.
Old 09-06-2006, 05:12 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

On my way to work last friday afternoon.I am sitting at a stop light on 212th in kent wa and a guy came skidding up to the light right next to me on a crotch rocket , And says try this on your bike old man. And he took off and blazed the red light across the 4 lanes of traffic. I thought what a Dumb A@#. then at 200th st , He is sitting at a red light so i pulled up to him and and told him so,He proceeded to do a big burn out Light turned green and he let off the front brake and flipped the bike into the intersection. I had tears in my eyes for the next mile i had to go to work. Some people are just stupid
Old 09-06-2006, 08:37 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

I had a guy on a sportbike blow by me on the right. The really great part was that I was in the right lane of a four lane portion of US1, coming back from Daytona! All he had to do was get in the left lane and pass legally. And he looked older than the typical squid, too. Probably some version of a midlife crisis...
Old 09-06-2006, 09:16 AM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

Could I get your autograph please? You really must look cool to attract all the young chicks like that.[sm=biker.gif]
Old 09-06-2006, 08:22 PM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!


Could I get your autograph please? You really must look cool to attract all the young chicks like that.[sm=biker.gif]

I dont do autographs.......Sorry !
; )
Oh.... You were being sarcastic, I guess ?

No....I dont think I look "Cool", nor do I think they think so.
Its more about the bike... not me.
I know a few girls that like to RIDE Sport bikes... but NOT as passengers !

Most Squids that care so little about themselves that they wear Flip-Flops to ride in.....shorts...No shirts....
Surely DONT care about the comfort, or saftey of their passenger.
I guess that Might impress some ladies...... but not many I think !

As I said......
Its more about the bike !
Little test for ya that will prove my point.
Go to a SportBike rally, BMW rally, Goldwing rally....... check out the gals there.
Then go to a Harley Rally and look at the Gals there.
My bet is there will be more, and more attractive women at the Harley Rally.... seen it over and over.
Why do you think that is ?
Because the Harley Riders are just "Cooler" ?

My money is on the fact that most Gals just LIKE harleys better, for whatever reason....... dunno why, but thats what I've noticed.
Stopped by Hooters Bike night a couple weeks ago, and Altho there were a couple dozen Sportbikes, there were only two gals hangin with that bunch..... and they rode in themselves.
On the other hand there was damn near as many gals as guys in the Harley bunch, and ALOT of them rode in on their own.

Was it because they fancy themselves "Cooler" ?
You make the call !
Im just using god given reasoning to come to my conclusion.... how did you come to yours ?


Old 09-06-2006, 10:01 PM
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Default RE: Almost taken out by a crotch rocket!

It's not just "Sportbikes". This past Monday 4 of us were returning from an MDA run and while riding down a 4 lane divided road we passed a bar with 4 Harleys waiting to pull out. 3 of my friends jumped in the left lane to exit at an upcoming intersection. I noticed a car in the left lane so I hung back a little before changing lanes when all of a sudden I notice a couple of bikes coming up fast. All 4 Harleys (fairly tricked out and all running drag pipes) blast by me splitting the center of the lanes. Not only did they pass my group, but then proceeded to pass at least 6 cars driving down the highway. I was doing the speed limit (45) plus a couple, these idiots came by doing at least 65-70 hard on the throttle.
Scared the crap out of me, fortunately I saw them coming, but 4 bikes with drag pipes blasting by on your left side still gets your attention.
They sure did a lot to reinforce the negative opinions of bikers and Harleys in particular.
Strangely enough I caught up to them at the next light and felt like going into a tirade about what a bunch of idiots they were. Needless to say I bit my tongue and watched them roar away figuring that an accident was certainly in their futures.
For the record they were all in their mid 20's and I'm assuming alchohol played a part.

Buttheads come in cars, trucks, metrics and yes even Harleys. All the more reason to ride defensively and watch everything in every direction.

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