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-   -   anyone never been down ? (https://www.hdforums.com/forum/general-harley-davidson-chat/957021-anyone-never-been-down.html)

flicksport1200 04-12-2014 03:38 PM

ive been knocked off my bike by a driver who turned his left blinkers on and turn right and plowed me over, i learned two valuable lessons from it , 1st never take for granted the guy in front of you is going the way his blinker is saying 2nd and you probably don't want to hear but wear a helmet because you never know when its going to happen i got lucky only going about 20 mph when it happened and my head did not make contact with the ground and no broken bones after he ran my left leg over with his truck (f-350 w/ a utility bed on the back) only by the grace of God am i still here.,

Scrambler900 04-12-2014 03:42 PM

Never been down on the street. The racetrack on a Ducati? That's a whole other story... HaHa

coot58 04-12-2014 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Ironclassic (Post 12577968)
Dirt bikes, many times. Phuked my shoulder up years ago, still hurts today. My honda nighthawk 450 when I was 22 had to lay it down. Other than that still riding.

what?..im sorry,i wasnt listening...dude..that avatar got me mesmerized lol..jk,glad yer still ridin..most do i think,but ive met a couple dudes who hung it up after goin down..family pressure mostly i think..

Pappy1 04-12-2014 04:39 PM

I am out of the Memphis area....I use to Catfish the Mighty Mississippi River Here....The River is a Strange body of water....I would go out and fish all the time....but every trip there was something different about the river from the trip before...current, sand bars. ect...But each trip you always had a good time but only if your respected the River...there was no way to ever concur it...you were just there fishing on it...if I always kept the respect of the river in mind when fishing...I always came home safe....Riding to me is kinda the same way...I want to have fun and enjoy the ride...but I always respect the ride and what could happen...I just don't ponder on it...Not to say something unseen will get you...or I might do something stupid...and go down...but it starts with respect of the ride, the bike and ones around you...put your head on a swivel, be safe and enjoy the ride...

Wildon883R 04-12-2014 05:03 PM

I've been riding since the mid 70s. I've wrecked about every bike I've ever owned but none that I was injured doing so. I about dumped it last fall. I was going about 25 mph after a light drizzle had fallen. Tapped the rear brake and ass slide almost all the way around. It was that fast. I kicked it up and went on my way. I never hit the road without a leather jacket, boots, gloves and a FF helmet.

Pain said it
1. Those that have gone down.
2. Those that are going down.
3. Those that are going down again.

We have to be prepared for that eventuality

0311357 04-12-2014 05:05 PM

Yes lol and it was hilarious. It was my very first ride ever a few years ago. I came to a stop sign. As I went to make a right turn my bike stalled and lost momentum while I was leaned over. I sort of did this very slow one footed hop for a few feet while gently laying the bike on its side.

It was interesting how it turned out. I wish it got caught on camera but at the same time I'm glad no one else had seen it.

ChickinOnaChain 04-12-2014 05:46 PM

Once on my Panhead. Going around a corner that had a puddle. I was going too fast and it slipped and I went down. Luckily I had some club Brothers to help get it up off of me.

aces&8s 04-12-2014 06:00 PM

Don't want to break my good luck so I aint answering.:icon_teeth:

hd4evr2008 04-12-2014 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Wildon883R (Post 12578329)
I've wrecked about every bike I've ever owned..........

Dude, you need another hobby!!

Newharleylover 04-12-2014 08:20 PM

10 years ago I went down. It sucked. The only thing I could have done differently was expect the unexpected. I broke more bones on that day than I had in my previous 36 years.

Nickatnyt 04-12-2014 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Crazy Biker (Post 12577897)
When I was a kid on my mini bike and dirt bike.


Otherwise about 5,000 street miles all upright.

lh4x4 04-12-2014 10:05 PM

I started riding in 1956. To date I have never been down. Since I retired I have been hitting 30K + a year. I am a committed defensive driver. Each year I have 6 to 10 incidents where a driver turns left in front of me, pulls out of a stop intersection without looking, runs a light or sign or pulls into my lane. I have been ready every time. I give up the right of way immediately and it has avoided a collision every time. that combined with I do not out run my head lights at night and never go into a blind curve at a speed that I could not stop if someone or thing was on the road. Absolutely always follow no more than three to four seconds behind the car ahead. If someone pulls between us I fall back.

I am in a learning curve for a condition that did not occur during the first 30 or so years since I started riding. That is the texting and otherwise distracted driver. I have to keep reminding myself of that threat.

I am on the opinion that motorcycles are not dangerous just as guns aren't, it is entirely the operator. At 73 I am not going to be riding many more years. I will put a large bet that I will not go down before I quit riding.

dickey 04-12-2014 10:08 PM

I've been down twice; both times as passengers. But, it was on rice, which is NOT gay.

DGDeuce 04-12-2014 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by PaiN (Post 12576545)
Coot...Bad news brother :icon_emm: There are only three kinds of riders.

1. Those that have gone down.
2. Those that are going down.
3. Those that are going down again.

You're a 2

Low sided my sportbike back in 1988. I guess I'm a 1 and a 3.

Wheels24 04-12-2014 10:36 PM

Hit the ground on dirt bikes a number of times since 1969, including recently...my sons got a good laugh. Low-side crashed in the east horseshoe at Daytona in practice in 1987...I could have sworn that new front tire was scuffed-in enough for a hard corner exit! Ran off the road and into a front yard when I didn't make a turn as a 'newbie' street rider in 1977. But - knock wood - no 'crashes' on the street ever...have been riding out there for 37 years at an average of about 10K miles per year...~370,000 miles.

For me, I think the keys have been:

1. dirt riding and road racing experience - learning how to handle (and save) a bike that's on the edge of traction and on the ragged edge of control...never give up...learning clutch/brake/throttle control when things get hairy
2. rider training - learning strategies that have saved my @$$, e.g. look where you want to go; trail braking
3. riding like I'm invisible...assuming absolutely nothing
4. meticulously maintained bikes...tires, chains/belts/shafts, controls, brakes, etc.
5. riding my own pace...leave the ego at home...
6. raise hell on the racetrack...and only very selectively on the street
7. when it just doesn't feel right, park it and ride another day

Yes, there might come a time when all the stars align against me and I find myself in a situation I can't overcome. But, like posters above said, I never assume it's inevitable...

PTSDBob 04-13-2014 12:47 AM

Been down? 3 that I remember (right now..)
All of the times (3, that I recall) that I have been down were all my fault: crossing the line...
-Dropped it at the drag strip... power shifted into 2nd, rear tire spun out on some fluid (probably tranny oil from the cars..).. I still have black rubber marks from the track on my riding jacket (that I don't fit in anymore.. :)
-Rebuilt my Triumph 750 over the winter; it was a beautiful morning and I wanted to RIDE ! (but I hadn't hooked up or finished my back brake shoes yet) no prob; all I use is my front brake anyway.. right. In traffic in Wash DC crossing over the Potomac river, one lane high rise road turning to the left... I'm leaning into it.. traffic stops suddenly... use front brake... I am in the center of the lane leaning left (couldn't get in the left track..no room to lean; right track, no room to straighten up if necessary...) no rear brake (although I was pushing on it ;/ ) so, you can guess the rest..... front tire goes out from under me, bike and me to follow..., but, I got this...... the Triumph had solid foot 'pegs' a misnomer, the 'peg' was a solid 3/4" rod that was bent to provide for a foot placement on each side of the bike, crossing from one side, under the bike, and then providing for the footrest (peg) on the other; just one solid piece of steel. What does that have to do with anything? Glad you asked.. with the bike (and me) down on the left side, the bike is sliding/riding on that left solid 'peg' holding the bike 'up' just enough..... Well, I got this. This is just like dirt-tracking where you extend your left foot out for stability and use the throttle for ....... BAM !! over I went. Highsided ! my right shoulder separated/collar bone broke and I hit the retaining wall.... WHAT ? I thought I had this..... well,.... ever heard/seen one of those freeze/thaw metal strips embedded perpendicular to the road on roads that are above the ground? About 1ft wide with teeth allowing for separation/rejoining during the freeze thaw cycles.. it was exposed about 1 inch or so ABOVE the road, (because of the constant tire contact and compacting of the asphalt..) so, when my solid foot 'peg' (meaning it did not fold or bend..) caught that steel strip perpendicular to the line of travel.... my bike flipped over and I high-sided into the right side retaining wall.....
-Anyone know what Botts Dots are ? CA riders do.... they are square about 2"x2" and 1/2" high, placed into the road for reflective purposes during fog, or low light conditions.. I was 'carving a canyon' HY 94 for you SoCal riders.. :) coming back from a going out trip, came into a blind, tight, right hander, leaned to the max, tires as close to the center of the road as possible (two lane road).... when I encountered just a bit of sand on the road.. from a recent rain...mix the sand, my lean angle, and a few 'dots' and my tires.... the bike 'got out' from under me and I watched it slide...... while I was sliding....... across the oncoming traffic lane, just praying no one else was coming around the corner from the other way..... then off the road we went, in a hearty cloud of dust; saying HI, HO, SILVER: AWAY...!! For years after that, my body on my right hip, would still 'puke' out some sand and road that became embedded in me and my scar....
--Even today... right handers are a bit 'spooky' for me.... HAVE FUN !!
I was just being young and dumb, and crossed the line too many times....

Jimmykoz 04-13-2014 05:05 AM

I hate the saying; those that have been down, and those that will be down. Such a pessimistic view that I hate. I ride clean on the harley, an ass on the sport bike. Naturally. But I never had a close call due to my own account. I've had no close calls on the harley. Numerous ones on the sport bike. Loud pipes save lives. Had a connection with a car on the crotch rocket. But he fared a lot worse then me. Bar end dug in to the side of his car from the front passenger door all the way to the back. Oops. Anyone who drives ANYTHING can crash. Car, truck, van, motorcycle, a ****ing fork lift.

LiiT 04-13-2014 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by Ironclassic (Post 12577968)
Dirt bikes, many times.

If we are counting dirt bikes and ATVs too, then I honestly have no idea how many times I've hit the ground. I remember a few of the worst ones, but somehow I've always managed to come out battered but unbroken except for a couple fingers.

Oh! I flipped a tractor does that count?


roofgunner 04-13-2014 08:35 AM

Two Important things I learned: My first H-D was a 2007 (since 1970 I've had a CB-350 Honda, 650 Yamaha XS2, 900 Kaw, and a Zx-11 Ninja). The Ninja, which I miss, and the 07 H-D burnt up in a fire. So I got a 2012 Softail Heritage and I love it, esp after Techno Research did a tune on it. Big difference. So to the point: As you know the front brake can be a devil or an angel. The 07 required and could take a heavy pull and I never felt threatened on the front brake locking the wheel. I used to test it under different circumstances. I would use all four fingers when pulling the lever, and that was a habit. Forward>>> I get the 2012 and it grabbed quicker than the 07. I played with it too, but it was just a stronger braking power. I was in Kirksville, MO and in traffic and it was a warm day and maybe a little too much in a hurry and a car slowed real fast on a yellow light and I was probably distracted a little. So I got on the front brake the way I would have on the 07(conditioned response) and I heard a screeeeeth and the bike stayed straight and I went right so I didn't rear end the car. Put the fear of God in me. So now it is TWO fingers on the lever. I had a chance to ask an instructor at the H-D museum/University if they change brakes, pads, systems on the bikes. Guess what? The brakes are different and stronger on an 012 versas an 07. So if you get a new bike even though it's the same model, etc. that doesn't mean you can use the same ride technique on the new one!! Even just changing the type of pads can have an affect.

teampiney 04-13-2014 09:00 AM


upflying 04-13-2014 11:37 AM

I haven't dropped a bike for at least 15 years and perhaps 100,000 mi. If I recall correctly, the last drop was 1998 on a dead slow FLHPi, a boot slip on a gravel shoulder.
I think it's bad luck to discuss this though.

Buckinfitch 04-13-2014 11:44 AM

anyone never been down ?
only at the Y :icon_goofygrin:

Pete6114 04-13-2014 01:26 PM

anyone never been down ?
count me out :icon_goofygrin:

Marks57 04-13-2014 01:55 PM

I've been riding for 45 years and my 2013 Ultra Classic makes my 17th bike. I have never gone down on the street, but when I was 15 riding dirt bikes in the woods I hit another bike head on in a blind curve at about 25mph. It threw me off and I landed head first into a tree.....major concussion. Thank God I was wearing a helmet. Since then, I have owned all kinds of bikes and had many close calls on pavement. These were the biggies.

1976: Yamaha 650, swerved and missed a deer.

1995: Honda ST1100, on a freeway in Dallas and was following closer than I should have. Utility truck in front of me runs over what looked like a driveshaft and I only missed it because it was laying with the direction of road.

1996: Honda ST1100, cruising about 75mph in Big Bend Nat'l Park. Came over a small crest in the hiway and saw 2 huge bulls...1 in either lane. Barely stopped within 25 feet of them and they just looked at me and walked off. The signs I had seen "Free Range" finally made sense.

1997: Honda Goldwing, on the interstate around 90mph and saw a huge pool of yellowish liquid in both lanes and 5 or 6 plastic jugs. I thought it was cooking oil and was going too fast to brake so I cancelled the cruise, braced myself and rode straight thru it. You couldn't have drove a pin up my butt with a sledge hammer. About a mile down the road I see a Borden milk truck pulled over picking up the rest of the lemonade that he had lost.

I pray I never go down hard, but the odds are probably against me. In the meantime, I'm loving my first Harley.

superman70 04-13-2014 03:04 PM

I've crashed my KTM a bunch. May I can keep the Harleys up right.

CWDoc115 04-13-2014 04:04 PM

Be patient, your time will come for you. It will sneak up on you before you can do anything to stop it... :icon_twocents:

zyonsdream 04-13-2014 07:38 PM

Nah, my reply wasn't really aimed at you. More aimed at those who ride in fear of the "eminent crash." these are the same guys who can't go around a curve right because they are looking at the road a foot in front of their wheel. The dudes that have to put their feet down 100 yards before they actually stop. The guy who thinks it's a good idea to rev the hell out of his motor for attention but can barely feather the clutch taking off on a hill.

The thought that everyone goes down at some point is just as idiotic as thinking riding a motorcycle makes you a baddass. We all have the passing thought but some wear the ideal like a badge of honor. I imagine few that have seen their sled on it's side think it's a badge of honor.

Originally Posted by coot58 (Post 12577887)
i started this thread..a passing thought...then went riding all day..never gave it another thought..and i certaintly didnt dwell on it...i had a blast today and always ride within my skill limits.

CRF 04-13-2014 07:55 PM

3X in 30 years... Worst injury was a busted up ankle (knocks on wood)

sonnlaw 04-13-2014 07:56 PM

Went down Friday at 0830 pulling out of my drive. Hit my neighbors dog at about 25 mph. It WILL happen if you ride enough, my opinion of course.

halnwheels 04-14-2014 07:24 AM

Come to think of it, my two "incidents" were on Yami's too. First time I was riding up a hill on my way home after a full day's riding. I was only a mile from my house. I followed a car up a hill after a left turn from a light and a car had previously dumped a crankcase of oil in the road. I went down faster then you could even think. It was fairly low speed, rash on my arm and the petcock went into the side of my knee. I lost feeling in my knee for about 6 months.

The second time was more recent when I was towing a camper trailer with my Royal Star Venture. Overconfident I would say. I'm good, but not so good that I can't get myself in trouble. Couldn't lean enough or slow fast enouth (trailers eat into that safety margin) and I ended up on the far shoulder off the pavement. I was slowing up when the trailer's left wheel dipped into the culvert and down I went. Trailer; bike; and me went flying. I ended up just getting the wind knocked out of me, nothing more. No scrapes, no bruises. Some Red Knights stopped and got my bike and trailer up on the road. I drove home with the whole rig, body plastic and other bits held together by duct tape and wire.

roofgunner 04-14-2014 08:24 AM

Two comments: I've been in situations where had I been in a car, I would have had a crash. The bike kept me out of it. Two: Here in MO. the fear is DEER.

cwilliams 04-15-2014 06:38 PM

Twice now. First time was on my sporty. Too hot into a curve. Few stitches and road rash. Recently laid down my fatboy when a kid didn't yield to me in a roundabout. Dumped to keep from getting squished. No injuries to me, but bike had about $5k damage. Boo

dragonflyrider 04-15-2014 06:40 PM

the husband has never been down, in 13 yrs of riding. I probably just jinxed him though.

coot58 04-15-2014 06:41 PM

jeez,i hope not..dont tell him ya said that

Deuuuce 04-15-2014 06:46 PM

Got my M-class, immediately rode up and down Hwy 9. Then making a u-turn in the parking lot I popped the clutch while braking.

The bike was laying down before I knew it, left me standing up. Picked it up and away I went. Dropped both bikes once, almost dropped both bikes once or twice.

hawker 04-17-2014 03:35 AM

Yep, went down one year ago today, on my 50 birthday. Was riding home from a surprise party at a bike night, and on the way home as I slowed for a deer, my wife on her deluxe hit me from behind. We were doing around 50 when I hit the ground. She had some road rash, me well a brain contusion, that has put me on disability for at least two year. Im a pilot and the FAA has me grounded due to the head injury. Oh yea one thing else, my bike was not fixable.

dkracing 04-18-2014 01:23 PM

July 19, 1980 a car wreck in front of me made the car directly in front of me jam on the brakes. MY mistake, was not enough following distance. Destroyed the 75 900Z1 I was on, and broke my pelvis in 7 places and ruptured my spleen. 12 weeks traction, my spleen removed, from which I got Hep C, from blood that they didn't know had it. They didn't know there was a Hep C at the time. I hurt every day in my hips from that wreck. But it didn't/hasn't stopped me from riding. Let's be careful out there!

dragonflyrider 04-18-2014 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by dkracing (Post 12607117)
June 19, 1988 a car wreck in front of me made the car directly in front of me jam on the brakes. MY mistake, was not enough following distance. Destroyed the 75 900Z1 I was on, and broke my pelvis in 7 places and ruptured my spleen. 12 weeks traction, my spleen removed, from which I got Hep C, from blood that they didn't know had it. They didn't know there was a Hep C at the time. I hurt every day in my hips from that wreck. But it didn't/hasn't stopped me from riding. Let's be careful out there!

Sure it was around! It was called nonA, nonB hepatitis. In 1992, it finally got it's own letter of Hep C. Sorry you were the victim, but they didn't know how to test or exclude blood for it back then. Best wishes.

Newharleylover 04-18-2014 10:08 PM

Went down once 10 years ago and I barely made it. I have 2 friends who are recently retired who have both been riding over 40 years. Neither of them has been down. I asked one of them once how he'd been riding so long and never went down or had close calls and all he had to say was "Just lucky I guess".

NDBadlands4-2 04-18-2014 11:02 PM

Hit a very muddy/slippery section of the road last year and the bike just fell out from underneath us. No damage to us or the bike. Lucky.

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