Finally, a V12 Motorcycle That Actually Looks Like It Fits

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A quick Google search that dives into car engines shoved into motorcycle frames immediately leads you into a pretty sinister place. It’s like a weird cross between the Island of Misfit toys, the maniacal room of Sid in Toy Story, and a junkyard. The V8, V10, or V12 bikes (aside from the Dodge Tomahawk, of course) look as if they were pieced together on the fly with random supports, extra wheels, and other extras. The motorcycle seen here does not fit in with that crowd whatsoever.

This is a motorcycle with a Lincoln-Zephyr V12. Naturally, it was elongated, but that’s pretty much the only major oddity. It just looks like a longer motorcycle with an (extremely) large engine in it. It was built by Dale Olson of Olson’s V8s, a shop dedicated and known for building bikes with old Ford flathead V8 engines. Which answers the question of why this thing looks so good. And guess what? It sounds just as yummy. Listen below:

[Via Speed Society]