FLASHBACK VIDEO Best to Leave it to the Pros!

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Leave it to the Pros!

It’s just a fact of life that no one can do everything. This applies everywhere, including in the world of Harley-Davidson stunts. Even so, sometimes people have the tendency to overestimate their own abilities and end up a bit of a mess.

Like jumping in onto a race track in nothing more than an old beater, sometimes it’s just best to leave some things to the professionals. This guy learned this the hard way, and though his bike took a slight beating out of it, we are left laughing.

The video starts out with with a man telling us that he has a new tire coming in tomorrow and that he’s going to show the viewers a few stunts. He seems to have fun with it as the video continues, and he certainly knows what he’s doing on his Harley!

From wheelies to stoppies and more, this guy knows his stuff. However, another man is aboard his Harley and watching from the side. We know exactly what he was thinking.

“That doesn’t look so hard.”

The moment he jumps in and tries to replicate the stunts done by the other man, he flips on his bike and is thrown aside. Luckily, he seems to be just fine after the rather misguided attempt, though we’re not sure how much damage was down to his ride.

Check out the video below and remember — leave some things to the pros!

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