Video: Top 5 Defensive Motorcycle Riding Tips

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YouTube personality, Cyclecruza, has uploaded a video titled, “TOP 5 Defensive Motorcycle Riding Tips” that you should watch, even if you’re an experienced rider.

In this video, CycleCruza outlines five simple and often overlooked rider safety tips, and offers candid advice about making it home alive. Like your author, CycleCruza hails from cold, snowy Cleveland, Ohio, where our riding season is shortened by four to six months due to snow. As a result, motorists aren’t always used to seeing – or more importantly, looking for – motorcyclists, so his first tip is to have the attitude that every car you share the road with is a potential threat to your safety.

CycleCruza also suggests wearing high-visibility gear in a bright color, with reflective stripes, although he also says that white is a nice compromise (your author wears a white helmet – it’s hard to miss a cue ball floating through the air). Barring that, he suggests using the tools at your disposal – your horn and your loud exhaust – to get the attention of car drivers. That last one should be an easy one for us Harley guys!

Finally, he suggests doing whatever you can to be defensive and get away from dangerous, aggressive motorcyclists, without putting yourself in danger. Sometimes, it’s necessary to put your pride aside and pull over to let the offending vehicle pass, while other times, it’s a solid plan to take advantage of your superior power-to-weight ratio and get the heck out of there. As always, use your best judgment, and stay safe on the streets!

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Cam VanDerHorst has been a contributor to Internet Brands' Auto Group sites for over three years, with his byline appearing on Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, JK Forum, and Harley-Davidson Forums, among others. In that time, he's also contributed to Autoweek, The Drive, and Scale Auto Magazine.

He bought his first car at age 14 -- a 1978 Ford Mustang II -- and since then he’s amassed an impressive and diverse collection of cars, trucks, and motorcycles, including a 1996 Ford Mustang SVT Mystic Cobra (#683) and a classic air-cooled Porsche 911.

In addition to writing about cars and wrenching on them in his spare time, he enjoys playing music (drums and ukulele), building model cars, and tending to his chickens.

You can follow Cam, his cars, his bikes, and his chickens at @camvanderhorst on Instagram.