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bgup619 08-03-2015 11:37 PM

Here is the part number 66851-07 I'm looking at the work order right now... I was asking for input not to argue or have someone tell me I want something for nothing.. It's not like I'm not going to pay if that's what they decide is their final answer.. How they react in general from here will determine if they keep my business... A positive customer service experience is what brought me to their dealership in the first place.. They could very well say "sorry man this just isn't something we can do for you but we are sorry you feel like we didn't care that we had your bike for 6 days waiting on parts especially after you only owned it for 7 days prior to that. Give us a chance to show you how great we are to our customers on your next service visit" bam I'd be happy... Like I said before a lot of you guys might be ok with being treated poorly or like you aren't a priority by a dealership.. I'm not someone who's just going to shrug his shoulders and say oh well it's they way it is.. I'll find the right dealer for me.. Could very well be these guys.. Sometimes the best relationships start off rocky..

skratch 08-03-2015 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by bgup619 (Post 14268390)
So they had my bike for 6 days for nothing??? I am telling you exactly what they told me.. "A heat shield between you roil lines and pipes was never installed and your oil lines have almost melted all the way through.. another 10 miles and you would've dropped all your oil"

This is verbatim.. anything else you are saying about part numbers etc is not relevant to this topic.. What they said and did and how it was handled is the point... Try and stay with me here..

well, yes and no. they had your bike for 6 days waiting on a part to come in from hd. if you think that your dealership is going to stock every part for every bike, that aint gonna happen. the heat shield is probably not a commonly stocked part, so i'm sure they had to wait for it to come in.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed it or not, but the tone of your posts have changed radically from the first one. you ask a question, kinda unsure of yourself, then after you get a couple of posts saying 'yeah f*** em', your tone has gone to jumping on the counter yelling 'lets burn this bitch!!!!'....

they made a mistake (in letting you take the bike without payment). you agreed to pay for services rendered. pay them. they don't owe you anything for having your bike sit while they had to wait for parts. that's just how it goes. but if the oil line was about burnt through, i'm guessing that in addition to a heat shield, you got new oil lines too. did you see the old ones? if they were indeed burnt, then they did you a favor. and this is how you want to repay them? by stealing their money?

bgup619 08-04-2015 12:03 AM

It's called thinking out loud.. Maybe try it sometime...

turckster 08-04-2015 12:14 AM

Honestly, I would pay the $200 since you had agreed to it initially. I would also tell the service manager or general manager that I was not too happy with waiting 6-7 days for the bike because a part was missing that should have been caught during the dealer prep., a service you paid for. By paying for the $200 it might motivate the dealer to offer you a gift card, free service or whatever. Hopefully both of you can walk away satisfied.

Prot 08-04-2015 02:19 AM

Dealer service issue am I out of line here?
There is so much craziness in this thread in this thread I don't know where to start but by adding to the insanity by making the most outrageous remark I can think of.

Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it

Did you spill coffee on your lap while at the dealership?

I wrote a several paragraph rant but decided to erase it and give you the benefit of the doubt. Take the above as humor.

Do what is right. Let your conscience be your guide. That is all.

kngpn 08-04-2015 09:15 AM

they charged 2 hours labor to install passenger pegs?

that's like a 2 beer at most project.

subguy 08-04-2015 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by bgup619 (Post 14268390)
So they had my bike for 6 days for nothing??? I am telling you exactly what they told me.. "A heat shield between you roil lines and pipes was never installed and your oil lines have almost melted all the way through.. another 10 miles and you would've dropped all your oil"

This is verbatim.. anything else you are saying about part numbers etc is not relevant to this topic.. What they said and did and how it was handled is the point... Try and stay with me here..

I'm with you...I said that the dealership was wrong in what they told you. It got you upset when there was no need to get upset...that's on them. They didn't know what they were talking about when it came to the extra heat shield. That alone would prevent me from going back to them ever.

Per Harley Davidson recall and per my 2014 Sportster parts manual, the shield has nothing to do with oil line protection that they said you were missing. Easy to check. Go to XLFORM.NET and go to the Tech Bulletin and Recall thread. Look up the recall for 2006 exhaust. That is what got the extra shield installed on my 2007 XL1200R. The Parts manual states which models of 2014 (and if you have a 2015 parts manual) Sportster that this part is for and they are for all the mid-control models (states so) because
of the pants leg issue in the 2006 recall that is not applicable to the models with forward controls (48 and 72).

If it was for oil line protection, it would be a recall for sure on that. Much more important than a recall for pant legs. Nowhere does it say the extra shield is to protect oil lines. Since there is no recall for oil line damage, it is obviously not a problem, would you agree? That alone should tell you the dealership is suspect...

The dealership mis-informed you. Anyone can look this up in 5-minutes and find out what I did. My 2014 48 has almost 10K miles on it. The exhaust pipe is nowhere near the oil lines and has not affected them. Now, if the oil lines were laying next to the rear exhaust pipe, that is indeed a factory mess up and you have a very valid complaint. But again, it has nothing to do with the extra shield on the rear exhaust pipe.

My unsolicited opinion...pay for the work they did on installing the rear footpegs...trust me, not fun to do so and I have owned and worked on Harleys for 36 of my 45 years of riding and putting these pegs on the 2014/2015 is a POS job. FIND A NEW dealer to work on your bike. They obviously have no clue about HD recalls and parts for which bikes...I would not let them touch my bike as they told you a bullchit story.

Enjoy your bike, the 48 is a fun Sportster (I've owned five Sportsters in my life). Things will get sorted out eventually. Rest assured there were no missing parts on your new bike from the factory. What I got out of your post is that I need to get the exhaust shield since I am running mid-controls like those I had on my 2007...I stated, having it on your 48 is not a bad thing just in case you do go to mids.

rufasim 08-04-2015 09:57 AM

Pay them. If you ever decide to go to mid controls, you already have the shield that is needed. Make sure to thank the dealer for that. You got a free item from the moco. Not many can say that. Pay the bill and ride your new bike. If it breaks take it to where only you feel is best. If you don't feel comfortable there because you feel they don't know what is what, no skin off their nose. I hope you have a better experience some where else

jakenok 08-04-2015 10:00 AM

you owe them for the peg install. period. you contracted them to do work, the work was done, regardless if they missed invoicing you in all the confusion about the heat shield. seems like a while to get a part, granted, but these are two separate issues.

E8USMCRET 08-04-2015 10:40 AM

I'd pay them for what they did but not before I gave them some tactful chin music. If they can't acquire a part faster than 6 days and generate a bill before you left imagine what a more complicated job might be like.

This is why I go to a small independent shop. Stuff like this is dealt with on a more personal level without all the ping pong of "salesman, parts manager, service manager, GM" etc.

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