If you like the bike, then $23K is not too much at all. Just give them whatever you got for a down payment, and sign the dotted line for the rest. The feeling I get when I buy a new bike is priceless!
Talked to Capitol City HD in Wisc. a couple of days ago. Priced all the touring bikes and here is their deal. MSRP+Ship+ Setup-$2000. I called because to check if $2K was in accessories. It is not. And they quoted $500 to ship to Texas. Best deal onnew that I have found so far.
I paid a little over 23K for black pearl with ABS, security, cruise, 103 stageII, sert, V&H ovals and a few chrome goodies. Worst part is I've spent another 3K in the 2 months since I brought it home.